Contact Lens Wearing Guide
For the complete document, including the special instructions and things to keep in mind (found below), see this online document. Because contacts are not for everyone and because contacts require focused care and discipline to protect your eyes a...
Contact Lens Do's and Don't's
Things to Do Always thoroughly wash (to remove bacteria) and thoroughly rinse (to remove oils, soaps, etc) your hands before handling lenses Avoid the use of soaps that contain perfumes, cold cream lotion, or oily cosmetics before handling your l...
About Diabetic Eye Disease
What is Diabetic Eye Disease? Diabetic eye disease refers to a group of eye problems that people with diabetes may face as a complication of this disease. All can cause severe vision loss or even blindness. Diabetic eye disease may include: Diabe...
What you can do to help your child's visual development
These are really great actions that you can take to help your child's vision and eye health over time, and as they develop. Obtain proper prenatal care and nutrition. Change crib position frequently to allow baby to respond to light from differen...
Children's Health Checklist
Things to watch out for and tell your child's doctors about (whether eye doctors or any other specialty - and you can also download the checklist and learn what you can do to help your child's vision and eye-health): Eyes that seemed “crossed," t...